Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dear JC Penny

Please leave my favorite 80s movie alone. Because? You are totally ruining it.



Friday, July 25, 2008

This has been a busier week than I had planned for! There was not one day where I didn't have some errands to run or plans. On Tuesday, we went to a free movie at a local theater. I was pretty concerned because it was Emma's first trip to a movie and, quite frankly, she is not the quietest kid in the bunch. I was pleasantly surprised. She LOVED the movie (Robots) and sat still the whole time. She laughed and danced in her seat. She also ate a whole kid sized popcorn and a quarter of my medium popcorn. (My girl is an eater....) Sam loved that his little sister was able to see a movie with him and he just kept looking at her and smiling during the movie. When we were leaving the movie, I saw they had a photo booth, so I decided we were going to have our pictures taken for the occasion. Sam wasn't too keen on that idea, but he put up with it until the last picture was being taken. You can see him turning to walk away on that one.

Now it's off to go swimming. (and then I get to work all night. Whoo-hoo. Can you feel my excitement?)

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Monday, July 21, 2008

It's a Monday Party!

So the kids, especially Em, kept asking for a party. Last night, before Em went to bed, I had to promise cupcakes and presents so she would go to bed. So, today we had a "Monday Party". I myself have never celebrated Monday (seeing that it's just another work day and the beginning of the week and all), but the kids wanted to. We had Chick Fil A for lunch and then cupcakes. The kids had fun and I stuck to Weight Watchers, so it all worked out nicely.

As a quick little vent: The toddler toy in the Chick Fil A meal was a book that promises to teach values to my child. Please don't. First, it's not a fast food place's business to teach my kid anything. Second, please don't mix my fast food and religion. Do Not Want.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Sunday Night

Why do weekends have do go by so quickly? I am exhausted and the house still isn't clean. Oh well; no one is going to die because the house is a mess.

We didn't do much over the weekend. We went swimming today, which was nice.

Ok. So here are my goals for this week. (As if anyone cares! LOL) I will follow Weight Watchers all week and will not give in to the urges for milkshakes and cherry icees. I will get Sam's drawers (the dresser kind, not underwear) clean and make room for new school clothes. Rounding out my list: clean the dining room and all of the shelves to make it all organized. We'll see if this happens.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No Wonder I Am A Fatty McFatty Pants

I really need to hop back on the Weight Watchers bus again because I am gaining weight back like crazy. (Eating dinner at the Varsity is not the healthiest meal choice.)

Some people have other addictions. I am addicted to food/eating. I seriously need help. Because onion rings and apple pies are not worth me falling over with a heart attack. (and) Honestly, I feel ridiculous ordering a diet coke with chili dogs and onion rings.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

In the Waiting Room

At Sam's six year well child check up.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Status Quo

Yes, it has been awhile since I have posted anything. Jesus, it's just been so busy around here and, to be honest, I just haven't been inspired to do anything other than to just make it through the day. Things are good here, don't get me wrong; I just feel like things have been kind of, ummm, boring.

Anywho, today is my boy's birthday and I totally plan on posting about it tomorrow. For now, I'm going to put up some laundry and go to bed.